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Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan

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Governing Body

Governing Body as of 01 January 2024

Chair of Governors

Mr Anthony Bibby

Parent Governors

Ms Beverley Ikin

Ms Ruth Jones

Mr Rob Roberts

Mrs Denise Bailey

Ms Lisa Walchester

Community Governors

Mrs Theresa Curran

Mrs Graunya Bean


Teacher Governors

Miss Carys McKenzie

Mrs Diane Garth

Learner Governors (APG's)

Emma Gingell

Jessica Millington

Clerk to the Governors

Ms Jean Taylor

Foundation Governors

Mr Anthony Bibby (Chair)

Mr James Curran (Vice Chair)

Mrs Sarah O'Mahony

Mrs Kay Redhead


Local Education Authority Representatives

Councillor Charlie McCoubrey



Support Staff Governor




Mr Matthew Wildsmith

Contacting Governors

A member of the governing body is available for consultation on any school issue at all Parents' Evenings.  Governors may also be contacted by writing to the clerk to the governors, Ms J Taylor, at the school.

Meetings Schedule 2024-2025

Full Governing Body

Wednesday 02 October 2024

Wednesday 04 December 2024

Wednesday 12 March 2025

Wednesday 02 July 2025

Curriculum, Standards & Wellbeing Committee

Wednesday 06 November 2024

Wednesday 12 February 2025

Wednesday 11 June 2025

Resources & Finance Committee

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday 05 February 2025

Wednesday 14 May 2025