• " The school achieved GCSE results in the top 25% of similar schools in 2017 and 2018."
  • "In lessons and around the school, many pupils are courteous and polite. They engage well in their learning and work suitably in groups and pairs. " - Estyn 2018
  • " High standards of teaching from staff and excellent learning from students, alongside the proactive encouragement of parents, have all contributed to the school's recent success. " - IQM Inspection 2018
  • " In 2018 the school was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award - Centre of Excellence for the second time. This reflects the school's commitment to including all learners. "
  • " The school has a successful Sixth Form in which learners are achieving results in the top 25% of schools in Wales. "
  • " I just wanted to say a huge thanks to your wonderful staff for all the support they have provided for my son and myself over his first year at high school. " - Year Seven Parent - July 2018
  • " The extra curricular activities that are offered via the Engage@Emrys programme are the best in the area. " Year Seven Parent - July 2018







Emrys ap Iwan

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Curriculum for Wales


Education in Wales is changing


A new curriculum, known as the Curriculum for Wales, will be introduced across the whole country in September for all learners up to Year 7.

At Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan, all of the teaching staff have been working hard to develop a curriculum that is tailored to the needs and aspirations of our community whilst enabling our learners to be ambitious and creative, to make ethical and healthy decisions and to be effective citizens of Wales.

We have been working closely with our Primary Schools in the local cluster to ensure that common approaches are adopted in order for there to be a seamless move from Year 6 to 7, not just for well being, but on an academic front as well..

Although we will be starting to deliver aspects of the Curriculum for Wales from September 2022, we will not formally adopt our curriculum until the following year. This will give us the time needed to ensure that our systems that we implement are robust and fit for purpose.

We will soon be holding consultation sessions with learners and parents. Having input from all stakeholders is essential for us to design a curriculum that provides the support and guidance necessary to help our learners develop. Further information regarding these consultations will be shared in due course.


The Welsh Government have provided some short guides to help explain what the Curriculum for Wales will look like:










2022 -


A new curriculum for Wales has arrived.


 The four purposes of the new curriculum is to support our young people to be:

* ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives

* enterprising, creative contributios, ready to play a full part in life and work

* ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

* healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society



It will have six ‘Areas of Learning and Experience’ (AoLE):

* Expressive Arts

* Health and Well-being

* Humanities (including RE which remains compulsory to age 16)

* Languages, literacy and communication (including Welsh, which remains compulsory to age 16, and modern

   foreign languages)

* Mathematics and Numeracy

* Science and Technology

It will also include the three cross-curricular responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence.



We will be populating this area of the website as the new curriculum develops.