• " The school achieved GCSE results in the top 25% of similar schools in 2017 and 2018."
  • "In lessons and around the school, many pupils are courteous and polite. They engage well in their learning and work suitably in groups and pairs. " - Estyn 2018
  • " High standards of teaching from staff and excellent learning from students, alongside the proactive encouragement of parents, have all contributed to the school's recent success. " - IQM Inspection 2018
  • " In 2018 the school was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award - Centre of Excellence for the second time. This reflects the school's commitment to including all learners. "
  • " The school has a successful Sixth Form in which learners are achieving results in the top 25% of schools in Wales. "
  • " I just wanted to say a huge thanks to your wonderful staff for all the support they have provided for my son and myself over his first year at high school. " - Year Seven Parent - July 2018
  • " The extra curricular activities that are offered via the Engage@Emrys programme are the best in the area. " Year Seven Parent - July 2018







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PARENT Governor Election

Election of Parent Governor(s)

for commencement on 01 September 2024

We have 2 vacancies for parent governor representatives on the school’s governing body.  Please see the documents below for more information and the election process.



Week Day Date Election Process


Monday 10 June 2024 distribution of nomination papers via e-mail
2 Monday 17 June 2024 closing date for receipt of nomination papers
2 Friday 21 June 2024 distribution of ballot papers if required
3 Friday 28 June 2024 receipt of ballot papers – deadline midday
4 Monday 01 July 2024

ballot papers counted and results posted on school website

 Note:  If a ballot is not required the result will be posted on the school website on Monday 24 June 2024.